Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Love it!

Sometimes a margarita just needs to take place... Okay I am sure the very few that read this blog, if any...are women. Maybe I am being neurotic but I have been dating a guy three months and have been getting that urge. You know the one that want to know where things are going? So are we dating, you my boyfriend, wanna be, or just generally how do you feel??

Now its not like I enjoy having this conversation, in fact it usually makes me feel nauseous. Alas I know that in my heart I have to move forward, speak the words. So I did and I am left feeling almost the same way. I get the I like you a lot, okay...that's a good sign. I just don't like talking about this stuff it makes me uncomfortable and maybe I am not as fast as you are...okay..

Ugh now I am still confused...

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