Wednesday, September 12, 2007


So I am at that weird crossing I think...I have been at my job for five..yep count them five years. Have moved up a little, made some small pay advancements and in the last year I transferred my location. Anyways....thank goodness knitting keeps me sane most of the time after work..but right now I am bored...

Bored of inputting and typing and all of the stuff I just have decided that I really don't like. I have got to find a solution.

I have always wanted to be a nurse and have taken all of the pre-reqs some years ago and am wondering if a 30 year old would be smart to quit her job go back to school (yep I already have a bachelors in business) and be a nurse..or ..or I could win the lotto...hehe...

I would love to do something crafty, dye yarn, make jewelry and make a little cash. I either make things for myself or friends and wonder if anyone else will want to buy my stuff??

I have often wanted to move to Hawaii and do crafty stuff, work for a dive company..guess I am just daydreaming.

If anyone has any stories where they actually followed their heart and are much happier now I would really like to hear it. I need some inspiration, some motivation, something right now...because what I am doing now just doesn't cut it..

All I have to leave you with is me..happy snappy on Kauai..we were there wedding planning...I just love Hawaii!! Can I go back and not return, hmmm...not sure if I can do the hippie thing. Motorhead might not like that so much, he enjoys the smooth legs..hehe...

So if you are reading this and want some more enjoyable pics I saw that Dave (cabincove) ..he has some ass watch going on...Gotta love Dave, he always makes me laugh!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I should also mention that I'm 30 and newly married. My husband is super supportive. And that's made all the difference.

I would suggest shadowing someone for a day. Then see if you're still into it. But if you have any questions, feel free to ask me!