So right now I should be working but all I can think about is...is if five yet?? what about now? Now? Ugh...so tonight the motorhead is going to yep a motor type thingy for work and won't be back until tomorrow. So tonight I am going to be a dork, take pictures of my measly WIP on my knitting and upload some pics to flikr for my posts. Maybe some pictures of Hawaii...ah yes Kauai, it was beautiful and it rained almost every night which was soooo nice. I guess living in SoCal makes you appreciate the rain, because it rained like twice this winter, no kidding..I think I might move to Seattle, rains a lot there, right?? Oh and I wonder if there are more crazy crafty knitting peeps like me up there? Then there is the whole online community thing, people reading other peoples blogs (like me...) and then online people meeting in person, so cool...Now I just must get people to read my blog....
So tonight its gym..maybe..they gym.. Well then for sure movie, knitting and downloading pictures :)
So I found this cute map of Kauai, it was so beautiful, so green, so wish I was still there!!!
I have got to find a more craft friendly job...any ideas?? Its either that or I might go back to school (although I already have my business bs)..and go to nursing school? If there are any nurses out there I would love to hear from you I have been thinking about this for a long time and have always had an interest in the medical field.
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