Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Meeting, anyone???

So I am trying to get together a Camarillo knitting group and am hoping that some people will want to get together. I tried posting on the yahoo knitting group and got a few replies, but nobody replied to my email about meeting this week. So if there are any Camarillo knitters/crocheters out there, wanna meet one a week, couple times a month?? I thought it might be fun to have a group of crafty women as friends!!

I was thinking about the Peets coffee on Arneill in the Vons shopping center, unless anyone else has any other ideas?? I have only lived here for a year so I am sure that there is some cool place that I don't know about yet? I like Palermo coffee downtown, but there isn't a lot of room to sit there, but they do have delicious coffee!!!

1 comment:

K8 said...

I think Weds sounds good - I've been sick the last few days and not keeping up with the group :( And the coffee shop by Vons would be good - I heard that another group used to meet there on Tuesdays - it may be worth checking out and maybe tagging on to their group.