Sometimes..I just want to tell people..duh..use your common sense..and then I think to myself, do these people lack common sense?? Or maybe I should use problem solving figure it out?? Okay..maybe I am being a little harsh, but then again I work in an office space enviroment and sometimes I just wonder...
So isn't this supposed to be a knitting blog, well a knitting blog that nobody reads...Maybe I should give away prizes and make people leave comments. Hmm...must find something cool in the stash..maybe that will do the trick.
So right now I am working on two pairs of socks, both toe up but I started each of them with two different methods, on one I am using Wendys her detailed toe-up sock pattern. I am using Claudia Handpainted in Hawaii with turquoise toe, heel, cuff..coming along nicely..I just keep worrying when I need to to switch back to the turquoise for the heel. Funny that my first pair of socks will be toe up..I just figured that if I run out of yarn then I will know and be able to frog back to make the legs the same length. Or I can go out and buy a fancy smancy digital scale like I have seen some other sock knitter do before. I might just dig up that 20% off coupon and splurge..I mean how expensive can it be?
My other sock is in duet sock yarn..super pretty color tide pool. I really like the colors but the yarn seems to be wound a bit tight and curls on itself sometimes. Hopefully it will work itself out soon. I did this using the ann budd interweave knits toe up socks guidelines..its funny how pointy the toe is compared to the Wendy method of provisional cast on.
Although I think that I messed up and increased too fast or something..looks like I might be frogging it if I cant salvage it..size 0 needles is not something that I have the desire to re-knit...Next up I say worsted..big needles baby.
Maybe a hat for Denver in November...yep another trip..this time no sun, no snorkeling..snow..more snow...maybe I will snowboard..although its been awhile..
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
So I am home for a couple of days..home home, back home with the folks home. My dad had to have some surgery so being the worrysome kid that I am I wanted to come home and make sure my pops was following doctor directions. Plus it gives me a chance to get lots of doggie love. My parents have five..oh yes count them five dogs. Now don't get all worried here they aren't some crazy dog collectors or anything they have four adorable Yorkshire terriers and one crazy Chihuahua.. Here is spike..the man dog of the house, the keeper of the harem.. So once I get home maybe I will take some pictures of actual knitting and post them..hehe..
So many things on my mind, oh yeah and I need to plan a wedding..OHY!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

So I am at that weird crossing I think...I have been at my job for five..yep count them five years. Have moved up a little, made some small pay advancements and in the last year I transferred my location. Anyways....thank goodness knitting keeps me sane most of the time after work..but right now I am bored...
Bored of inputting and typing and all of the stuff I just have decided that I really don't like. I have got to find a solution.
I have always wanted to be a nurse and have taken all of the pre-reqs some years ago and am wondering if a 30 year old would be smart to quit her job go back to school (yep I already have a bachelors in business) and be a nurse..or ..or I could win the lotto...hehe...
I would love to do something crafty, dye yarn, make jewelry and make a little cash. I either make things for myself or friends and wonder if anyone else will want to buy my stuff??
I have often wanted to move to Hawaii and do crafty stuff, work for a dive company..guess I am just daydreaming.
If anyone has any stories where they actually followed their heart and are much happier now I would really like to hear it. I need some inspiration, some motivation, something right now...because what I am doing now just doesn't cut it..
All I have to leave you with is me..happy snappy on Kauai..we were there wedding planning...I just love Hawaii!! Can I go back and not return, hmmm...not sure if I can do the hippie thing. Motorhead might not like that so much, he enjoys the smooth legs..hehe...
So if you are reading this and want some more enjoyable pics I saw that Dave (cabincove) ..he has some ass watch going on...Gotta love Dave, he always makes me laugh!!
Friday, September 7, 2007
Friday! yeah baby!!

So right now I should be working but all I can think about if five yet?? what about now? Now? tonight the motorhead is going to yep a motor type thingy for work and won't be back until tomorrow. So tonight I am going to be a dork, take pictures of my measly WIP on my knitting and upload some pics to flikr for my posts. Maybe some pictures of Hawaii...ah yes Kauai, it was beautiful and it rained almost every night which was soooo nice. I guess living in SoCal makes you appreciate the rain, because it rained like twice this winter, no kidding..I think I might move to Seattle, rains a lot there, right?? Oh and I wonder if there are more crazy crafty knitting peeps like me up there? Then there is the whole online community thing, people reading other peoples blogs (like me...) and then online people meeting in person, so cool...Now I just must get people to read my blog....
So tonight its gym..maybe..they gym.. Well then for sure movie, knitting and downloading pictures :)
So I found this cute map of Kauai, it was so beautiful, so green, so wish I was still there!!!
I have got to find a more craft friendly job...any ideas?? Its either that or I might go back to school (although I already have my business bs)..and go to nursing school? If there are any nurses out there I would love to hear from you I have been thinking about this for a long time and have always had an interest in the medical field.
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