Wednesday, October 29, 2008
So squishy would be the word I would say about my figure right now. No, I am not fat or overweight but I feel like my muscle tone has been evaporating into thin air. Must be something about leaving the good old twenties behind and diving more into my thirties. Wah! is all I can say about that. I did go to the gym last night and take a weightlifting class from my local 24 hour fitness.. all I can say now is ouch! In a good way, but ouch...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
It's Funny
Sometimes I like being alone, surrounding myself with my knitting or jewlery making or whatever endeavor I am currently focusing on at the moment. Sometimes alone is good.. Although I must say, I can't fall asleep before midnight when I am alone, which causes sleepy me in the morning.
Friday, October 17, 2008
I am sooo mean sometimes....well more like grouchy I would say. Maybe I am ready for it to be Friday at 5pm...yeah...that's it.. then the weekend begins :)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Just couldn't
My computer just couldn't do it today...turn on... but hey at least it was my work computer and not my home computer. If it was my home computer, well I might have a break down. I did have a home computer that refused to turn on, I did coax it into turning on one last time to get some files off but then never again. Makes me think that for Christmas I should buy that laptop that I have been wanting to switch to for a while. Now the question is do I go mac or do I stay with pc when I make the move?? I just know that I don't want to lose my music or pictures... maybe I should invest in an alternative hard drive. I wonder if anyone knows anything about this??
So I still need to buy myself my lexie barnes needle cases... I think that I am going to buy one for my circulars and one for my dpn.. decisions, decisions...
So I still need to buy myself my lexie barnes needle cases... I think that I am going to buy one for my circulars and one for my dpn.. decisions, decisions...
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Sarcastic Wednesdays...

So I swear I have been knitting, it does keep me sane. I do need to go to the gym and be a little more sane, but one step at a time... I did try and find the hand weights that my roommate had but only came up with one. Hmm... where did the other one go?? So I needed a quick break from the revisons upon revisions to the big report I have been working on so I decided to search for funny cartoons. I found this Hoops and YoYo cartoon, well its an e-card at Hallmark. How funny is that?? Leave it to me to find something free and amusing... haha..
So on the knitting front, I have been working on about three projects at the same time. My dream in color shrug, I have all of the main part done and am now picking up the stitches for the ribbing around. I swear it took me forever to seam up the 7 in on each side and one side I am still not completely happy with, but I think it might be as good as I can get it. I am working on the Le Slouch from Wendy from knit and tonic, but mine probably isn't as slouchy (not really sure if I have the "look" to pull super slouch off. Last is my first pair of socks, well sock #2, plain sock, Wendy toe up socks with Claudia's handpainted in Hawaii and teal. Since they are my first socks, well they don't match identically, but hey there is always room for improvement. I have knit socks, done lace.. I am on a roll (Or at least I keep telling myself that).
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
A case of the Tuesdays....
One thing working in the financial industry, we have Columbus Day off... Gotta love Columbus day. Now I wish every Monday was Columbus Day, although waking up this morning seemed a little harder than most Mondays. This was the last Monday holiday off of the year as well, sniff, sniff..
I am looking forward to visiting my parents over Thanksgiving this year, although I anticipate a lot of self pity going on around Christmas. This will be the first year I can remember not spending Christmas with my parents. Yes, yes, I know I am not a kid anymore, but still... This weekend I bought myself a Rodney & Rhonda doll from Hallmark, remember these??
Friday, October 10, 2008
For me...

So I splurged and might have bought myself a few things today....after the week of hard work here at the office... I bought these shoes...I did end up buying them in black at (I couldn't find my size in blue):( Endless had a special promotion, and if they don't fit there is free return shipping, so I thought after drooling for a week or so that I would give them a try. I am also thinking about ordering one of these for my double pointed needles.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Just put me out of my misery....
Sometimes I feel like Dilbert, working away in my cubicle, typing endless reports about the same stuff over and over.... Sometimes there are days/weeks when I feel like this...although if I knew how to use photoshop I could add in a bottle of wine, some advil and an empty glass..
I need to give myself a pep talk, I will finish this week, then I will go out to dinner instead of cooking....something to look forward to. Good thing I have a vacay planned to visit the rents in Aloha town :P
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Time for Decorating!!

So it's October 2nd, time for decorating for Haloween. I do have to prove to my roommate that I swear there are decorations in all of those boxes I have stacked in the garage in what would be my parking space. So.... here is some new Vesper yarn colorways that I saw that went up today and were all sold out in a jiffy. Hopefully there will be more soon!! Here is the website just in case anyone doesn't have it
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