Tuesday, December 30, 2008
So I really wanted to buy a new bag, but the lexie barnes superstar messenger bag didn't have a zipper on top to keep everything from falling out when I stuff it under the seat when I fly.. so I appeased myself by buying a couple of needle cases. I thought since they were on sale and I was tired of the rubber bands keeping my dp needles together, hey why not? Santa didn't bring me that shiny bike I wanted for Christmas, so I will buy some needle cases. Now if they would just hurry up and come. WEBS emailed me and let me know one was on backorder but I think they are still sending the other ones? I hope so...
Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas is Over
Christmas is over, and well, it was nice, but being away from family is hard. So goodbye 2008, it was a rough ride, hoping for a smoother 2009. I promptly took down the Christmas decorations on Saturday. My roommate got home and was like whoa, Christmas is over huh?? Haha, like the Grinch came in and stole all the holiday trimmings.. Well if I had a disco ball and a DJ table to put up for New Year's, I would be all over that. Hmmm.. the roommate did get one of those fancy margarita machines, maybe I should make snacks and declare it blended drink night....
So New Year's is fast approaching, but unfortunately I have to work on Friday... ugh.. which is hard since my friends want me to come up to my old town, SLO town... I really want to go but the old fuddy duddy in me says stay home and make drinks. Hmm...might get a wild hair and go anyways.. we will see if I get out of the office early on Wed, my guess is not so much... One can wish though, right?
I am looking forward to seeing my girlfriends though, I have not seen a lot of them in months and I miss everyone so much. Since moving here I don't really work with people my age and its been a challenge to make friends, since lets face it, Camarillo isn't the hot area for activities and nightlife.
Anyone live here? Cool chicks... like to knit, dance, take in a movie, martini???
So New Year's is fast approaching, but unfortunately I have to work on Friday... ugh.. which is hard since my friends want me to come up to my old town, SLO town... I really want to go but the old fuddy duddy in me says stay home and make drinks. Hmm...might get a wild hair and go anyways.. we will see if I get out of the office early on Wed, my guess is not so much... One can wish though, right?
I am looking forward to seeing my girlfriends though, I have not seen a lot of them in months and I miss everyone so much. Since moving here I don't really work with people my age and its been a challenge to make friends, since lets face it, Camarillo isn't the hot area for activities and nightlife.
Anyone live here? Cool chicks... like to knit, dance, take in a movie, martini???
Monday, December 15, 2008
So I am suffering from its not 80 degrees and I am not in Hawaii syndrome, haha.... So its finally raining down here in Ventura County. (Which seems to only happen a couple times a year). I actually love the rain.. I like the sound it makes on the roof, it makes getting out of my snuggly bed fricken hard. Like hit the snooze button 3 times and think about just not getting out hard.
I have been having sort of knitters block lately, I think its because I tend to over-think my knitting sometimes. I have been making these handwarmers and they use the increase M1, but there are two ways to do a M1, a right slanting and a left slanting. So I am wondering if I need to use both when making handwarmers or not? Since I am increasing for the thumb part, I hate it when my knitting looks wonky and I was doing the M1 left then the M1 right and I either missed something somewhere or it just didn't look right to me, so I guess I just need to get over it and try a swatch piece or something. Anyone have any ideas? I think the last time I made these I just used the kfb increase method, because again I think I got annyoed that M1 never specifies which M1, left or right... grrr...
I have been having sort of knitters block lately, I think its because I tend to over-think my knitting sometimes. I have been making these handwarmers and they use the increase M1, but there are two ways to do a M1, a right slanting and a left slanting. So I am wondering if I need to use both when making handwarmers or not? Since I am increasing for the thumb part, I hate it when my knitting looks wonky and I was doing the M1 left then the M1 right and I either missed something somewhere or it just didn't look right to me, so I guess I just need to get over it and try a swatch piece or something. Anyone have any ideas? I think the last time I made these I just used the kfb increase method, because again I think I got annyoed that M1 never specifies which M1, left or right... grrr...
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Casa Pacifica & Giving
So I went on a tour of Casa Pacifica, a non-profit agency here in Camarillo which serves the needs of neglected, abused and severly emotionally disturbed children and adolesescents from the Tri-County areas of Southern California. They offer residential treatment, emergency shelter & various other programs to help children and families. The kids had written out wishes for Christmas (they each get one gift). So my co-workers and I took the wishes and started a drive at work to fulfill some of the kids wishes. Now I need to find a Britney Spears poster and a Jonas Brothers poster, anyone know where I can find one??
Just reminded me how lucky I am to have such a wonderful family. (Which I miss very much since they are in Hawaii). Makes you re-evaluate what is important in your life...
Just reminded me how lucky I am to have such a wonderful family. (Which I miss very much since they are in Hawaii). Makes you re-evaluate what is important in your life...
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
So squishy would be the word I would say about my figure right now. No, I am not fat or overweight but I feel like my muscle tone has been evaporating into thin air. Must be something about leaving the good old twenties behind and diving more into my thirties. Wah! is all I can say about that. I did go to the gym last night and take a weightlifting class from my local 24 hour fitness.. all I can say now is ouch! In a good way, but ouch...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
It's Funny
Sometimes I like being alone, surrounding myself with my knitting or jewlery making or whatever endeavor I am currently focusing on at the moment. Sometimes alone is good.. Although I must say, I can't fall asleep before midnight when I am alone, which causes sleepy me in the morning.
Friday, October 17, 2008
I am sooo mean sometimes....well more like grouchy I would say. Maybe I am ready for it to be Friday at 5pm...yeah...that's it.. then the weekend begins :)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Just couldn't
My computer just couldn't do it today...turn on... but hey at least it was my work computer and not my home computer. If it was my home computer, well I might have a break down. I did have a home computer that refused to turn on, I did coax it into turning on one last time to get some files off but then never again. Makes me think that for Christmas I should buy that laptop that I have been wanting to switch to for a while. Now the question is do I go mac or do I stay with pc when I make the move?? I just know that I don't want to lose my music or pictures... maybe I should invest in an alternative hard drive. I wonder if anyone knows anything about this??
So I still need to buy myself my lexie barnes needle cases... I think that I am going to buy one for my circulars and one for my dpn.. decisions, decisions...
So I still need to buy myself my lexie barnes needle cases... I think that I am going to buy one for my circulars and one for my dpn.. decisions, decisions...
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Sarcastic Wednesdays...

So I swear I have been knitting, it does keep me sane. I do need to go to the gym and be a little more sane, but one step at a time... I did try and find the hand weights that my roommate had but only came up with one. Hmm... where did the other one go?? So I needed a quick break from the revisons upon revisions to the big report I have been working on so I decided to search for funny cartoons. I found this Hoops and YoYo cartoon, well its an e-card at Hallmark. How funny is that?? Leave it to me to find something free and amusing... haha..
So on the knitting front, I have been working on about three projects at the same time. My dream in color shrug, I have all of the main part done and am now picking up the stitches for the ribbing around. I swear it took me forever to seam up the 7 in on each side and one side I am still not completely happy with, but I think it might be as good as I can get it. I am working on the Le Slouch from Wendy from knit and tonic, but mine probably isn't as slouchy (not really sure if I have the "look" to pull super slouch off. Last is my first pair of socks, well sock #2, plain sock, Wendy toe up socks with Claudia's handpainted in Hawaii and teal. Since they are my first socks, well they don't match identically, but hey there is always room for improvement. I have knit socks, done lace.. I am on a roll (Or at least I keep telling myself that).
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
A case of the Tuesdays....
One thing working in the financial industry, we have Columbus Day off... Gotta love Columbus day. Now I wish every Monday was Columbus Day, although waking up this morning seemed a little harder than most Mondays. This was the last Monday holiday off of the year as well, sniff, sniff..
I am looking forward to visiting my parents over Thanksgiving this year, although I anticipate a lot of self pity going on around Christmas. This will be the first year I can remember not spending Christmas with my parents. Yes, yes, I know I am not a kid anymore, but still... This weekend I bought myself a Rodney & Rhonda doll from Hallmark, remember these??
Friday, October 10, 2008
For me...

So I splurged and might have bought myself a few things today....after the week of hard work here at the office... I bought these shoes...I did end up buying them in black at endless.com (I couldn't find my size in blue):( Endless had a special promotion, and if they don't fit there is free return shipping, so I thought after drooling for a week or so that I would give them a try. I am also thinking about ordering one of these for my double pointed needles.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Just put me out of my misery....
Sometimes I feel like Dilbert, working away in my cubicle, typing endless reports about the same stuff over and over.... Sometimes there are days/weeks when I feel like this...although if I knew how to use photoshop I could add in a bottle of wine, some advil and an empty glass..
I need to give myself a pep talk, I will finish this week, then I will go out to dinner instead of cooking....something to look forward to. Good thing I have a vacay planned to visit the rents in Aloha town :P
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Time for Decorating!!

So it's October 2nd, time for decorating for Haloween. I do have to prove to my roommate that I swear there are decorations in all of those boxes I have stacked in the garage in what would be my parking space. So.... here is some new Vesper yarn colorways that I saw that went up today and were all sold out in a jiffy. Hopefully there will be more soon!! Here is the website just in case anyone doesn't have it http://www.knitterlythings.com/shop/
Friday, September 26, 2008
Must find out..

Who makes these fablous shoes?? I want them!!!!!!!!!!!! Hmm, well I have a feeling that they are expensive, expensive like Christian Louboutian probably. The jewelry she is wearing is beautiful as well. A girl can wish!! I am so having a don't want to work day today. I am pretty much sporting the bare minimum flare today. I would much rather be shoe shopping :)
On the knitting front, I am still working on my dream in color shrug, I am done with the lace part and am down to knitting the other cuff. Then comes the task of picking up about a zillion stitches to knit the border around the thing and block it. I am hoping that it comes together once I pick up the stitches. I wonder if I should block the lace part before I pick up the stitches?? Decisions, decisions...
Monday, July 28, 2008
John Mayer Rocks
Ah....I got to see John Mayer in concert and I just thought I would say he rocks! This is one artist that I can honestly say was better in person!!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Yea Friday!
So its Friday, what could be better, well if it was Friday at say, 5:00... Or I know, if it were some kind of holiday, yeah a friday holiday...one can only wish...
Tonight I have plans to drink wine and attempt to make potstickers (blame this Alton Brown episode that I saw on Food Network where he made them) They look so good and i thought it might be neat. Then again I do already have a package of potstickers in my freezer from trader joes...hmmm...
Tonight I have plans to drink wine and attempt to make potstickers (blame this Alton Brown episode that I saw on Food Network where he made them) They look so good and i thought it might be neat. Then again I do already have a package of potstickers in my freezer from trader joes...hmmm...
Thursday, July 24, 2008
I wanted it!!

http://www.knitterlythings.com/shop/ updated her shop yesterday and I so wanted to buy yarn, but then I think about all of the neglected yarn under my bed in that plastic container and I feel guilty. Guilty because I don't have the money to spend on more yarn and guilty because I really don't need to get more either. So I refrained... I didn't want to, but I did....I want to see someone knit up this beautiful colourway!!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Post Office
Don't you just hate it when the dang post office never puts out those boxes you need. So then you wait in line til someone says oh does anyone just need to pick up mail, yada, so I pipe up yeah I just need a box. I figured that I would go to the self print kiosk and print out my label there. Which takes like seconds right? You would think so UNLESS, you were the annoying lady in front of me at the kiosk, who obviously sees I am all dressed up for work, with ONE box, credit card out and ready to swip. Is she nice and let me go first, NO....does she take forever printing, adhering and swiping her card slowly for all five boxes she has which are all going to the same place, all the while stopping to ask the post man if she can put her box into his bin that he is emptying, one box at a time....OF COURSE...Okay, I am getting like five boxes next time and printing postage from home.
Knitting Group Love

So last night I was feeling a bit lonely and trying to motivate to do something other than stay at home and mope. So I packed up the knitting bag and drove to Ventura to go to the Anacapa Fine Yarns knitting group that meets on Thursday nights. Its always been a little awkward for me to make girlfriends, I think partly because I was so close with my dad growing up and the other part was because I had some prior bad experiences. So I took a breath and just walked in and sat down. Let me tell you these women are hilarious!! I laughed so much and everyone was so nice and welcoming. It was nice to be around other women that share the same passion for the craft as I do. I told them that I had sort of been made fun of for my knitting and you know give the old, are you a grandma comment. These ladies were disgusted for me, which just justified how I felt when I get "put down" about it. Overall it was a great night, I stayed until the shop closed at 9 and am looking forward to going back next week :) Thank you everyone that was there last night, those I talked to and asked me questions especially!! It has been hard making friends in a town where you don't really know anyone and for the first time in a long time I felt comfortable and welcome. Just re-affirmed my thought that knitting rocks! So what if I am a knitting nerd??
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Love it!
Sometimes a margarita just needs to take place... Okay I am sure the very few that read this blog, if any...are women. Maybe I am being neurotic but I have been dating a guy three months and have been getting that urge. You know the one that want to know where things are going? So are we dating, you my boyfriend, wanna be, or just generally how do you feel??
Now its not like I enjoy having this conversation, in fact it usually makes me feel nauseous. Alas I know that in my heart I have to move forward, speak the words. So I did and I am left feeling almost the same way. I get the I like you a lot, okay...that's a good sign. I just don't like talking about this stuff it makes me uncomfortable and maybe I am not as fast as you are...okay..
Ugh now I am still confused...
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Is my horoscope trying to tell me something
So I read my horoscope this morning and this is what it said:
As you know, dear Aries, you have reached a turning point in your life. The hardest part about making this decision is, as usual, saying farewell to your old ways. The past can seem so cozy and reassuring, especially when the unknown looms. It takes strength and determination to leave it behind. But whether it is a matter of your career or your love life, you have personal goals that cannot be sacrificed or denied.
After this year being one of the hardest ever, sometimes I wonder what now?? Last year I thought this would be the year I would get married, be remodeling my house and thinking about family. Now that everything has changed, part of me is thankful and part of me is lost. Living in a town where I don't know really that many people has been strange. Things in the cube farm have been rocky. There are days I ask myself what am I doing here? I think that part of it is that I have met a new wonderful guy that makes me smile after months of hearbreak and the other part is I have too much pride. As great as moving to an island spending all of my time in the water and living for free was awesome, pride is keeping me. I love my parents dearly and would be living with them, its a difficult thing to swallow, giving up part of my independence, swallowing my pride.
Maybe sometimes we just need to suck it up and make that leap. So confusing... and the topper of all of it was my mom had to put down my dog, she was sick and had heart failure. My crazy little chica is in doggie heaven now....
Monday, July 7, 2008
What to knit with malabrigo or manos del uruguay
I have both some malabrigo bulky and some manos yarn and I have been at this point where I don't know what to knit with either of them. I would rather not do a hat or a scarf because lets face it, it doesn't get that cold here in Southern California. Ideas??
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Who the heck is positive parrot...
So July 1st the hands free went into effect, and the cops are out in full effect. I should know I got a speeding ticket last week, ugh, trying to get home to take my mom to surgery (even worse since I was trying to do a good deed). Driving her car..didn't even realize how fast I was going = expensive$$ ticket, (WAH!!!)
So I really need to sell off some stuff now! I know someone wants to buy the Namaste Cali bag, its very cute, I will throw in a cozy... I have officially started pay speeding ticket fund. Now I have to do the whole traffic school thing, cross your fingers for me that I can do it online. Sitting in a room listening to someone talk for hours doesn't sound like any fun. Maybe I can knit, haha, they probably woulnd't like that huh?
So knitting time, I need to find some. Maybe this 4th I will relax and find some knitting time, but I doubt it. I still have organizing and stuff to do from my move, which yes by the way was over a month ago. Yikes!
So I really need to sell off some stuff now! I know someone wants to buy the Namaste Cali bag, its very cute, I will throw in a cozy... I have officially started pay speeding ticket fund. Now I have to do the whole traffic school thing, cross your fingers for me that I can do it online. Sitting in a room listening to someone talk for hours doesn't sound like any fun. Maybe I can knit, haha, they probably woulnd't like that huh?
So knitting time, I need to find some. Maybe this 4th I will relax and find some knitting time, but I doubt it. I still have organizing and stuff to do from my move, which yes by the way was over a month ago. Yikes!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Looking forward to...

Staying home this weekend and getting some stuff done :) Most of all thank goodness for Bank holidays, why? Because I get them off & paid to boot!! Soooo I am still trying to find a new home for these really cute Namaste bags, maybe I will have to post them on ravelry again. Or take into consideration a yarn/ book exchange. I just hate having them sit in a box not filled with yarn, patterns and other yarn goodness. Speaking of books, I have a lot of those too... Let me tell you when i moved they sure were heavy.
I would like to buy the rocketry or tulip dream in color pattern. When theloopyewe.com was having a sale on the yarn I bought some and am currently making the dream in color shrug. I might get it done by the time it gets cold again, haha... We will see, with all of the traveling and stressing I have been doing there has not been a whole lot of knitting going on. Although I did knit on the plane ride to/from Switzerland and got through a little bit. This sweater is just so fricken cute though, now I just have to find someone having a baby. Or I have the Elizabeth Zimmermann pattern for the best baby sweater pattern ever. I will have to look at the yardage and see if two skiens of dream in color is enough to make one of these cuties.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
On the road again

So...I am heading back to Hanford, again...this time to help out my mom after she has surgery on both of her hands.
Leaving tomorrow morning but I though I would put up pictures of the two namaste bags I am trying to destash. The cali bag I carried for about a week or so and the laguna bag is brand new never carried in the dust bag. I also have the dust bag for the cali bag as well. I have the laguna bag in turquoise and have come to the realization that I don't need so many bags. That and after moving my closet is about 1/3 the size of my old one. (Wah!!) Sooooo...they must go, sniff, sniff..... I probably have some yarn I need to destash as well, but that will take a couple of days to get it all out, inspect and decide what to part with. I will probably try putting them on ravelry again, maybe this time I should put pictures. So again if you are interested just drop me a comment and I will email you back :) Oh and one more I have a tylie diaper bag, that could be used as a messenger bag if anyone is interested in that I can send pictures. Its a cool bag for sure, but no diapers are in my future and again, I have a bag love problem...okay, hobby??
Monday, June 23, 2008
There are just those times where you wish you could just blurt out "WTF".....but you can't, wouldn't be appropriate. Maybe I should go buy a lotto ticket tonight, just the mere thought of winning, packing up my stuff and leaving puts a smile on my face, hahaha.....
I think I may be having one of those office space moments....
Maybe tonight I should knit, drink wine and chill..
Dang it...tonight I need to go get more stuff from my old place, ugh..maybe I should get rid of some stuff!
I do have too many knitting bags right now, so if anyone is in the market for a Namaste Cali Malibu bag, I have the olive color that I am trying to sell. I also have the olive color in the Laguna bag too, I got a little crazy. They are both brand new!! If you are interested leave me a comment :)
I think I may be having one of those office space moments....
Maybe tonight I should knit, drink wine and chill..
Dang it...tonight I need to go get more stuff from my old place, ugh..maybe I should get rid of some stuff!
I do have too many knitting bags right now, so if anyone is in the market for a Namaste Cali Malibu bag, I have the olive color that I am trying to sell. I also have the olive color in the Laguna bag too, I got a little crazy. They are both brand new!! If you are interested leave me a comment :)
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Wow, It has been a crazy couple of weeks for me. I traveled to Hawaii for what was supposed to be my wedding. (Sometimes things happen for a reason I guess). Then I worked for a week and 2 days then was off to of all places Switzerland. Wow, can you say LONG flight.....yikes!! It took forever..lets just say that
Lets not even get into me moving right before my jetsetting adventures began. I still have boxes to unpack and I believe that my room looks like a Boeing 767 flew through it. The garage...ha! Looks like a crazy person's mini storage. My poor roommate...what a trooper he is :)
Lets not even get into me moving right before my jetsetting adventures began. I still have boxes to unpack and I believe that my room looks like a Boeing 767 flew through it. The garage...ha! Looks like a crazy person's mini storage. My poor roommate...what a trooper he is :)
Friday, May 9, 2008
The Hula
So this week has been about packing and getting ready for the change I am about to experience. Letting go of a lot of things that have become home to me the last few years and moving on... I am moving next weekend into a new house with a roommate. Leaving behind the house that I still own half of and two cute kitties that I love very much.. At least this weekend I will get to be alone with my thoughts while I pack many of them away. I keep telling myself you will get through this.
Today a co-worker gave me a card that was super sweet but brought out a lot of emotion in me..It said
Imagine yourself doing what you love and loving what you do
Being happy from the inside out
Experiencing your dreams wide awake
Being creative, being unique, being you
changing things to the way you know they can be-
(Inside of Card)
Living the life you always imagined
wishing you good things today and always
She wrote: Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Make it happen...
I am completely touched...
So many things have happened over the past year and I feel like I am just starting to find my path.
Today a co-worker gave me a card that was super sweet but brought out a lot of emotion in me..It said
Imagine yourself doing what you love and loving what you do
Being happy from the inside out
Experiencing your dreams wide awake
Being creative, being unique, being you
changing things to the way you know they can be-
(Inside of Card)
Living the life you always imagined
wishing you good things today and always
She wrote: Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Make it happen...
I am completely touched...
So many things have happened over the past year and I feel like I am just starting to find my path.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Stash n Bags
With all of this moving stuff on my mind, it makes me think about my knitting stash and the different bags that I have. I might have to have a stash sale.. I have a few extra skeins of yarn, haha..a few... and some extra knitting bags. I guess I will have to get my stuff together and post some pictures, prices, etc. I have a new namaste bag from the cali collection, a lexie barnes flo & some other stuff.
I have lots of yarn too...lots...OHY!!!
I have lots of yarn too...lots...OHY!!!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
So with all of the changes in my life, I keep pondering the idea of moving to Hawaii... My dad is already there, as soon as my parents house sells in Cali my mom will be there. There is awesome diving, who needs a pool when you have the ocean??
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Meeting, anyone???
So I am trying to get together a Camarillo knitting group and am hoping that some people will want to get together. I tried posting on the yahoo knitting group and got a few replies, but nobody replied to my email about meeting this week. So if there are any Camarillo knitters/crocheters out there, wanna meet one a week, couple times a month?? I thought it might be fun to have a group of crafty women as friends!!
I was thinking about the Peets coffee on Arneill in the Vons shopping center, unless anyone else has any other ideas?? I have only lived here for a year so I am sure that there is some cool place that I don't know about yet? I like Palermo coffee downtown, but there isn't a lot of room to sit there, but they do have delicious coffee!!!
I was thinking about the Peets coffee on Arneill in the Vons shopping center, unless anyone else has any other ideas?? I have only lived here for a year so I am sure that there is some cool place that I don't know about yet? I like Palermo coffee downtown, but there isn't a lot of room to sit there, but they do have delicious coffee!!!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Tubular Cast on...
So since most days I end up freezing my hands off at the office I have decided that I want to attempt the infamous Eunny Jang endpaper mitts. I first tried the tubular cast on Eunny recommended and I succeeded after a few tries, however when I pull the end of the cast on edge it contracts or gets bigger (sort of like a draw string bag??) so of course I thought that I must have done it wrong. Onto the knitters book of finishing techniques book..let me tell ya this method is much harder, well ok not necessarily harder but defiantely more time consuming!! After doing this cast on I reaized that its supposed to do the draw string thingy and that you can put elastic in it if you wanted to. BUT...what if I don't want to, how is the italian tubular supposed to stay put? Are you supposed to anchor it, what?? HELP!!!
Then I realized..hey I don't know how you are supposed to work two colors, what hands are supposed to hold what? I have devised a method but have NO idea if its right or not? I can knit both continental style and (English)? so I put the dominate color in my right hand and the "colorwork" color in my left hand. Hmm....
Then I realized..hey I don't know how you are supposed to work two colors, what hands are supposed to hold what? I have devised a method but have NO idea if its right or not? I can knit both continental style and (English)? so I put the dominate color in my right hand and the "colorwork" color in my left hand. Hmm....
Monday, March 3, 2008
Yard Sales are hard work!!!
So I spent the weekend at my parents, helping them get ready for their big move across the pacific to Hawaii. Lucky!! They have said that I could move with them and hey I am starting to seriously think about it. I probably would have to get rid of a lot of my stuff, but then again, who cares.... I would be in Hawaii..with my family, figuring out a way to make ends meet and swim in the ocean every day!!
Friday, February 22, 2008
And then..
And then nothing...Well not nothing, something..I guess..
Have you ever been in a state of limbo, where you don't know if you should go left or right and your sort of stuck in the middle. Thats me, right now, stuck in the middle. Oh well day by day...
As far as my knitting goes, I have been pouring over Ravelry, love it!! I have four skeins of Debbie Bliss Alpaca Silk and I couldn't decide what to do with it. I thought a slouchy hat might be good, but I wonder if the slouchy hats are still in style?? I didn't really want to do a garment or a scarf with it because it looked like it might get the fuzzy pilling, ewww...and I didn't want that. It is so soft though that I though it must be a scarf or a hat..I thought about handwarmers, but I don't think that it has the elasticity that handwarmers should have... so I started the slouch hat from Wendy at knitandtonic.typepad.com ..she is so fricken funny...and I need some funny these days...
I need to get started on my slippers from cocoknits too, I love those things, now I just hope that I can get them to turn out like the picture.
Have you ever been in a state of limbo, where you don't know if you should go left or right and your sort of stuck in the middle. Thats me, right now, stuck in the middle. Oh well day by day...
As far as my knitting goes, I have been pouring over Ravelry, love it!! I have four skeins of Debbie Bliss Alpaca Silk and I couldn't decide what to do with it. I thought a slouchy hat might be good, but I wonder if the slouchy hats are still in style?? I didn't really want to do a garment or a scarf with it because it looked like it might get the fuzzy pilling, ewww...and I didn't want that. It is so soft though that I though it must be a scarf or a hat..I thought about handwarmers, but I don't think that it has the elasticity that handwarmers should have... so I started the slouch hat from Wendy at knitandtonic.typepad.com ..she is so fricken funny...and I need some funny these days...
I need to get started on my slippers from cocoknits too, I love those things, now I just hope that I can get them to turn out like the picture.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
What the ?...

So I don't really think that anyone reads my blog really anyways..but I know that I have mentioned my wedding. Well my wedding is no more..postponed, or permanately postponed, I am not sure yet. I have a beautiful dress that I am not going to be able to wear, a ring that is now locked up in a safe and invites that will collect dust in a box and never go out to their intended receipients.
I keep hearing, well better now that after you got married, etc..yeah I know..but that doesn't make me feel any better.
Soo.....I am trying to visit friends and family and do some nice things for myself. I got my hair done last night, so that was nice. Next I need to break out the nail stuff, give myself a pedicure..and then I am going to buy a new outfit to wear out with my friend on Saturday night. The funny thing is that I have not bought clothes (other than t-shirts from target) that I have no idea what is "in style" anymore.
I do know that I love my knitting..the other day I was home sick as could be and bought myself the namaste bag from the loopyewe...in olive, but now I wonder if I should have got the other style...hmmm...if it comes into stock maybe I will have to get that one too??
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Gotta love
The library!! Since we are poor...remodeling the condo, planning a wedding and of course shelling out massive dollars for the dream of homeownership sort of leave the pockets pretty bare. So there just isn't any money for knitting book or fun stuff. Alas, I have found something to scratch the itch. The library here has this awesome system, you go online, pick out our books, they either email you or you can check on your account to see if they are ready and viola!! The library has them in the hold area just waiting for you :) So I finally had the chance to check out some new knitting books. Now if I could figure out how to do my own hair, then I could get the new Namaste knitting bag I have been coveting. Bah!! Then again I need to pay for the rest of our wedding invites...maybe for my birthday in March?? Hmm....
Monday, February 4, 2008
Yes, I have finally finished something. I finished the cable footies from one skein for Motorhead. I think that he liked them, he put them on and wore them the rest of the night and even commented that they were comfy. Yea! I am glad that he likes them and that they fit his big feet. I think that I am going to make myself some but lengthen the leg a little bit so that my ankles done get cold :)
Now I have to figure out what I want to knit next....I thought about the malabrigo loafers from coco knits, clapotis, or should I frog the baby bolero from one skin and try to do it over.
Then again, I have thought about trying to focus on some of the wedding stuff...
Now I have to figure out what I want to knit next....I thought about the malabrigo loafers from coco knits, clapotis, or should I frog the baby bolero from one skin and try to do it over.
Then again, I have thought about trying to focus on some of the wedding stuff...
Friday, February 1, 2008
Everybody's working for the...
Weekend!! DUH!
This week has been a challege to say the least. I can't wait to sleep in a little bit, watch some movies and do some knitting. Of course I have to go to the gym too, but I am hoping that all of the New Year's resolution people that are crowding every piece of cardio equipment will stay at home at watch boys in tights throw around a pigskin. AKA watch the superbowl....
Speaking of gym, I have been throughly annoyed going to the gym lately. Too many people..just too many, and not only that these people tend to take forever when lifiting weights. Its working out people that does not mean sit on the machine in between sets for 5 minutes lollygagging... Don't even get me started in on the outfits....I will save that little juicy sliver of gossip for another day.
Is it five yet??? I need a martini and some knitting needles!!
This week has been a challege to say the least. I can't wait to sleep in a little bit, watch some movies and do some knitting. Of course I have to go to the gym too, but I am hoping that all of the New Year's resolution people that are crowding every piece of cardio equipment will stay at home at watch boys in tights throw around a pigskin. AKA watch the superbowl....
Speaking of gym, I have been throughly annoyed going to the gym lately. Too many people..just too many, and not only that these people tend to take forever when lifiting weights. Its working out people that does not mean sit on the machine in between sets for 5 minutes lollygagging... Don't even get me started in on the outfits....I will save that little juicy sliver of gossip for another day.
Is it five yet??? I need a martini and some knitting needles!!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
So I didn't win the lotto but I did win $1 , so I guess that means I can play again next week. On the knitting front, the wedding planning is sure cutting into my knitting time. I feel like a little robot, work, gym, cook dinner, clean up, watch smutty reality tv, bed.. Sometimes while watching the smutty TV I may knit. In fact I am almost done with motorheads giant cable footies. I think that I just have to do a couple more rounds of the cable pattern then start the decreases for the toe and then kitchener stitch them closed (which takes a bit for me sometimes)..
Best of all now since I have the pattern down pretty well and have the yarn to make myself some...maybe i will :)
I really want to make a clapotis or try out some lace...decisions, decisions...
Best of all now since I have the pattern down pretty well and have the yarn to make myself some...maybe i will :)
I really want to make a clapotis or try out some lace...decisions, decisions...
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Isn't there those times of the week when work seems to go by sooo slow, like molasses? Ugh..maybe I will win the lotto and then I can quit the TPS reports and either a) have fun b) go back to school and be a nurse like I wanted to or c) move outta cali, start a fun yarn shop and spend my days surrounded by yarn..haha...
Okay a girl can dream, right??
Okay a girl can dream, right??
Monday, January 28, 2008

Lately I have been mesmerized with yarn. I search the sites like http://www.loopyewe.com/ and http://www.kpixie.com/ looking over the beautiful hand dyed yarn. I put items in the cart, but have been able to refrain from buying lately due to my pretty large stash. I am going to try and not buy any more yarn this year. Although I may hint to others about my desire for more yarn..haha...
What I really want to get is another knitting bag, one that doesn't really scream, hey I am a knitting bag. I like the new Namaste Cali series bags..but they don't start shipping until Feb. What is that I was instant gratification, but then again Feb is only a week away so maybe I can hold out. The bags are pretty reasonable as far as knitting bags go and I might sell my lexie barnes flo to make up the difference. Hmm..I wonder if I could put it on ravelry? Any ideas? Since both colors that I like are gone...sniff..sniff.. (then again I should wait until I get paid again in a couple weeks, the bills sucked me dry). I can't figure out which color to get. I like the turquoise and the olive color. Maybe by the time I save up for one the loopy ewe will have some more back in? Votes on color??
Thursday, January 24, 2008
So I must admit I am not a very good sick person. Then again who is? I would much rather be at home knitting and being sick than be at work sick writing TPS reports.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Knitting Friends
So I had the opportunity to finally meet up with anothe knitter last Thursday and it was great. I met up with Kate at our local coffee shop and we chatted about all sorts of things. Hopefully we can meet up again!! It's nice to finally have met a fellow knitter.
I did have a busy weekend with my best friend L. I drove up to my old stomping grounds for her birthday weekend. We stayed in on Friday with her adorable daugher Delaney and I got a chance to finally try on my wedding dress for someone in person. I am glad that she was as excited as I was about it :) Saturday we went out to sushi and to a local bar and crashed out early. Its true about what they say about getting older..you just can't party like you used to :)
I did have a chance to show her older daughter how to knit..she was so excited :)
I did have a busy weekend with my best friend L. I drove up to my old stomping grounds for her birthday weekend. We stayed in on Friday with her adorable daugher Delaney and I got a chance to finally try on my wedding dress for someone in person. I am glad that she was as excited as I was about it :) Saturday we went out to sushi and to a local bar and crashed out early. Its true about what they say about getting older..you just can't party like you used to :)
I did have a chance to show her older daughter how to knit..she was so excited :)
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Last night Motorhead and I started taking our SCUBA classes for his certification ( I am taking the class for a refresher). We have to go about twice a week for a month and then do our final dive in the channel islands. I have already been on about 12 or so dives in Hawaii but this will be my first cold water dive and I must say I am not so sure that I am looking forward to freezing my booty off. I know, you wear a wetsuit, but the whole dynamic of the wetsuit is that the suit fills up with water then your body warms the layer between you and the wetsuit keeping your body warm..so its those minutes in between that I think I am dreading the most. OHY!!
I received my coveted package of woolmeise yarn in the mail...it smells heavenly..weird for yarn but true!! I will post pics soon!
I received my coveted package of woolmeise yarn in the mail...it smells heavenly..weird for yarn but true!! I will post pics soon!
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