Wednesday, March 28, 2007


So today is my birthday..yep 30 years OLD..ok I guess I am just feeling pretty old right now, but hey..whatever. Now if I could only get some love on my knitting blog...anyone...

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Daylight Savings...

Well I must say that I do like the extra hour of daylight at the end of the work day, but my body does not like the weird feeling that its just too early in the morning, although every day is getting a little better. Monday was touch and go let me tell you. I am getting ready to move in a couple of weeks and the only thing knit worthy are my futile attempts at a toe up sock, I want it to be perfect and look like all of the beautiful socks on flickr..but alas it does not, little holes or ripping back to find that I dont know where the heck that dropped stitch fricken goes, riippppp all over again...So I need some toe up sock help, there is the provisional toe with the short rows and the wraps, and I did find some tutorials but I still can't get the two sides to look like perfect toes, any suggestions on working into the wraps? Pleeeaassseee I need it! Or then there is the magic toe where there are no wraps but then the joins on the side just looked horrible, am I doing the M1 increase wrong, well maybe.every book shows it a different way...Must find magic sock book with many pictures and many descriptions that can reveal the secret of the toe up sock....before I turn my yarn into a frogged fuzz ball...and my bf gives me the look again, like didn't you just do that last night?? ...uggh..